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皇冠信用盘姓名: 吴洪洪 皇冠信用盘出生年月: 1987.02

皇冠信用盘性别: 皇冠信用盘硕/博导: 博导

皇冠信用盘民族: 皇冠信用盘开设课程: 科技英语写作、有机农业、植物纳米技术与农业应用

皇冠信用盘职称: 教授 皇冠信用盘研究方向:


皇冠信用盘学位: 农学博士


电子邮件:[email protected]



2019.09. 至今,皇冠信用盘-最新赔率计算及赛事数据分析 ,教授

2015.12. 2019.09.,美国加州大学河滨分校,博士后

2012.11. 2015.11.,澳大利亚塔斯玛尼亚大学,哲学博士(农业科学)

2011.09. 2012.11.,澳大利亚塔斯玛尼亚大学,助研

2008.09. 2011.06.,南京农业大学,理学硕士

2004.09. 2008.06.,江西农业大学,理学学士





1. 中国化学会农业化学专业委员会青年工作委员会

2. 美国Sigma Xi学会 (Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society) 全职会员 (Full membership)

3. 棉花高效种植技术协作研究联盟议事人

4. 湖北省作物新品种选育与高效栽培技术创新团队执行首席


1. Crop Journal (Associate Editor)

2. Functional Plant Biology (Associate Editor)

3. Frontiers in Plant Science (Associate Editor)

4. Journal of Chemistry (Academic Editor)


担任 ACS NanoEnvironmental Science & TechnologyChemical Engineering Journal, Environmental Pollution, Plant, Cell & Environment30多个SCI期刊的审稿人。//publons.com/author/1323020/honghong-wu#profile


本课题组常年招聘具有纳米技术或材料化学、植物分子生物学或生理生化等背景方向博士后, 薪酬22万元人民币起(//crownodds.net/info/1059/9817.htm)。应聘者请将材料发送至:[email protected],邮件标题请注明应聘博士后_姓名_最后学习或工作单位。邮件中附件格式为PDF


1. 国家青年人才项目,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持

4. 华中农业大学-中国农业科皇冠信用盘 深圳农业基因组所联合项目,主持

5. 华中农业大学优秀人才培育项目,主持

6. 华中农业大学新进高层次人才科研启动项目,主持

7. 茶学生物学与资源利用国家重点实验室开放基金,主持



1. Giraldo J.P., Wu H, Tito N. Nanoceria augmentation of plant photosynthesis under abiotic stress. U.S. provisional patent (US Application patent, publication number: US20170367325A1) (citations, 1)

2. Giraldo JP, Hu P, Santana I, Newkirk G, Wu H. Compositions and methods for chloroplast genetic and biochemical bioengineering in planta. US provisional patent. Filed December11, 2017

3. 黄明, 沈文飚, 吴洪洪, 肖笑, 周兴虎, 何健, 周光宏. CP4-EPSPS蛋白发生特异性抗原抗体反应的多克隆抗体及其应用。专利号:ZL 201010225353.3

4. 沈文飚, 黄明, 吴洪洪, 肖笑, 周兴虎, 何健, 周光宏. 检测转Cp4-epsps基因大豆及其深加工产品中转基因成份的方法及试剂盒。专利号:ZL 201010249480.7


1. 第五届中国科协优秀科技论文遴选计划农林集群优秀论文三等奖

2. 2018年度美国加州大学河滨分校CEBCEP中心年度最佳博士后

3. 2015年度国家优秀自费留学生奖学金奖励



1. Liu J, Li G, Chen L, Gu J, Wu H*, Li Z. (2021) Cerium oxide nanoparticles improve cotton salt tolerance by enabling better ability to maintain cytosolic K+/Na+ ratio. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 19:153

2. Khan MN, Li Y, Khan Z, Chen L, Liu J, Wu H*, Li Z*. (2021) Nanoceria seed priming enhanced salt tolerance in rapeseed through modulating ROS homeostasis and α-amylase activities. Journal of Nanobiotechnology 19: 276.

3. Wu H*, Li Z*. (2021) Recent advances in nano-enabled agriculture for improving plant performance. Crop Journal doi: 10.1016/j.cj.2021.06.002.

4. Zhou H#, Wu H#, Xie Y, Shen WB*, Giraldo JP*. (2021) Cerium oxide nanoparticles improve salinity tolerance in rice through nitrate reductase nia2 mediated production of nitric oxide. Environmental Science: Nano doi: 10.1039/D1EN00390A

5. Wu H#, Nißler R#, Morris V, Herrmann N, Hu P, Jeon SJ, Kruss S*, Giraldo JP*. (2020) Monitoring plant health with near infrared fluorescent H2O2 nanosensors. Nano Letters 20: 2432-2442.

6. Zhao L*, Lu L, Wang A, Zhang H, Huang M, Wu H*, Xing B, Wang Z, Ji R. (2020) Nano-biotechnology in agriculture: Use of nanomaterials to promote plant growth and stress tolerance. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68: 1935-1947.

7.  Giraldo JP*, Wu H, Newkirk G, Kruss S. (2019) Nanobiotechnology approaches for engineering smart plant sensors. Nature Nanotechnology 14: 541-553.  (主编特邀综述)

8. Wu H*, Shabala L, Zhou M, Su N, Wu Q, Ul-Haq T, Juan Zhu, Mancuso S, Azzarello E, Shabala S.* (2019) Root vacuolar Na+ sequestration but not exclusion from uptake is associated with salinity stress tolerance in barley. Plant Journal 100: 55-67.

9. Wu H, Shabala L, Shabala S, Giraldo JP*. (2018) Hydroxyl radical scavenging by cerium oxide nanoparticles improves Arabidopsis salinity tolerance by enhancing leaf mesophyll potassium retention. Environmental Science: Nano 5: 1567-1583.

10. Li J#, Wu H#, Santana I, Fahlgren M, Giraldo JP*. (2018) Standoff optical glucose sensing in photosynthetic organisms by a quantum dot fluorescent probe. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10: 28279-28289.

11. Wu H, Shabala L, Azzarello E, Huang Y, Pandolfi C, Su N, Wu Q, Cai S, Bazihizina N, Wang Lu, Zhou M, Mancuso S, Chen Z, Shabala S*. (2018) Na+ extrusion from the cytosol and tissue-specific Na+ sequestration in roots confer differential salt stress tolerance between durum and bread wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 69: 3987–4001.

12. Wu H*. (2018) Plant salt tolerance and Na+ sensing and transport. The Crop Journal 6: 215225.

13. Wu H, Tito N, Giraldo JP*. (2017) Anionic cerium oxide nanoparticles protect plant photosynthesis from abiotic stress by scavenging reactive oxygen species. ACS Nano 11: 11283-11297.


版权所有:Copyright © 皇冠信用盘-最新赔率计算及赛事数据分析



