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皇冠信用盘姓名: 阴伟晓 皇冠信用盘出生年月: 1984.12

皇冠信用盘性别: 皇冠信用盘硕/博导:          硕导

皇冠信用盘民族: 皇冠信用盘开设课程:


皇冠信用盘职称: 副教授 皇冠信用盘研究方向:


皇冠信用盘学位: 农学博士



电子邮件:[email protected]




2019.12-至今,华中农业大学植物科技皇冠信用盘 ,副教授

2014.7-2019.11,华中农业大学植物科技皇冠信用盘 ,讲师

2008.9-2014.6,南京农业大学植物保护皇冠信用盘 ,硕士、博士

2004.9-2008.6,石河子大学农皇冠信用盘 ,学士


1. 稻曲病菌效应分子的筛选和初步功能分析,新进博士科研启动专项, 2014-2015,主持

2. 稻曲病菌侵染相关效应分子功能分析,华中农业大学自主创新基金,2015-2016,主持

3. 稻曲病菌分泌蛋白UvScd1在致病过程中的作用及其机制研究,国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金,2018-2020,主持


1. 校级教改项目:“农业植物病理学”课件PPT的美化及应用(参与)

2. 校级教改项目:病害鉴定及植物病理学教学标本更新(参与)

3. 校级教改项目:“植物病害流行学”教学课件PPT的优化与应用(参与)



1. 罗朝喜,陈淑宁,林杨,阴伟晓;桃褐腐菌抗DMI类杀菌剂的田间检测试剂盒; ZL201410314219.9 2.

2. 王源超,董莎萌,阴伟晓,郑小波;大豆疫霉无毒基因PsAvr3b标记;ZL201010506148.4


1. 2017年度华中农业大学教学质量三等奖



1. Wang, Y., Wang, F., Xie, S., Liu, Y., Qu, J., Huang, J., Yin, W. *, and Luo, C. 2019. Development of rice conidiation media for Ustilaginoidea virens. PLOS ONE 14:e0217667.

2. Xie, S.#, Wang, Y. #, Wei, W., Lin, Y., Yin, W.*, and Luo, C. 2019. Development of novel methods for functional evaluation of the signal peptide of secreted protein. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 106:182-186.

3. Xie, S., Wang, Y., Wei, W., Li, C., Liu, Y., Qu, J., Meng, Q., Lin, Y., Yin, W.*, Yang, Y., and Luo, C. 2019. The Bax inhibitor UvBI-1, a negative regulator of mycelial growth and conidiation, mediates stress response and is critical for pathogenicity of the rice false smut fungus Ustilaginoidea virens. Current Genetics 65:1185-1197.

4. 李重阳,王毓富,林杨,罗朝喜,阴伟晓*.2019. 稻曲病菌Six1类效应蛋白UvSix1-1的功能研究[J].植物病理学报,49(01):27-34.

5. Yin, W., Wang, Y., Chen, T., Lin, Y., and Luo, C.* 2018. Functional evaluation of the signal peptides of secreted proteins. Bio-protocol 8:e2839.5.

6. Yin, W.X.#, Adnan, M.#, Shang, Y., Lin, Y., and Luo, C.X.* 2018. Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea from nectarine/cherry in China to six fungicides and characterization of resistant isolates. Plant Disease 102:2578-2585.

7. F. Fan, W.X.Y., G. Q. Li, Y. Lin, and C. X. Luo.* 2018. Development of a LAMP Method for Detecting SDHI Fungicide Resistance in Botrytis cinerea. Plant Disease 102:1612-1618.

8. Wang, Z.-Q., Meng, F.-Z., Zhang, M.-M., Yin, L.-F., Yin, W.-X., Lin, Y., Hsiang, T., Peng, Y.-L., Wang, Z.-H., and Luo, C.-X.*2018. A putative Zn2Cys6 transcription factor is associated with isoprothiolane resistance in Magnaporthe oryzae. Front Microbiol 9.

9. Yin, W.X., Cui, P., Wei, W., Lin, Y., and Luo, C.X.* 2017. Genome-wide identification and analysis of the basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factor gene family in Ustilaginoidea virens. Genome 60:1059-1067.

10. Song, J.H., Wei, W., Lv, B., Lin, Y., Yin, W.X., Peng, Y.L., Schnabel, G., Huang, J.B., Jiang, D.H., and Luo, C.X.* 2016. Rice false smut fungus hijacks the rice nutrients supply by blocking and mimicking the fertilization of rice ovary. Environmental microbiology 18:3840-3849.

11. Wang, F., Lin, Y., Yin, W.X., Peng, Y.L., Schnabel, G., Huang, J.B., and Luo, C.X.* 2015. The Y137H mutation of VvCYP51gene confers the reduced sensitivity to tebuconazole in Villosiclava virens. Scientific Reports 5:17575.

12. Yin, W., Dong, S., Zhai, L., Lin, Y., Zheng, X., and Wang, Y. 2013. The Phytophthora sojae Avr1d gene encodes an RxLR-dEER effector with presence and absence polymorphisms among pathogen strains. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 26: 958-968.

13. Cui, L., Yin, W., Dong, S., and Wang, Y. 2012. Analysis of polymorphism and transcription of the effector gene Avr1b in Phytophthora sojae isolates from China virulent to Rps1b. Molecular Plant Pathology. 13: 114-122.

14. Dong, S., Yin, W., Kong, G., Yang, X., Qutob, D., Chen, Q., Kale, S.D., Sui, Y., Zhang, Z., Dou, D., Zheng, X., Gijzen, M., M. Tyler, B., and Wang, Y. 2011. Phytophthora sojae Avirulence Effector Avr3b is a Secreted NADH and ADP-ribose Pyrophosphorylase that Modulates Plant Immunity. PLoS Pathogens. 7: e1002353.

15. Cui, L., Yin, W., Tang, Q., Dong, S., Zheng, X., Zhang, Z., and Wang, Y. 2010. Distribution, Pathotypes, and Metalaxyl Sensitivity of Phytophthora sojae from Heilongjiang and Fujian Provinces in China. Plant Disease. 94: 881-884.

16. 崔林开, 李井干, 陆静, 阴伟晓, 王源超*. 2013 (1). 大豆疫霉菌对甲霜灵抗性风险的研究. 南京农业大学学报: 47-51.

17. 唐庆华, 崔林开, 苗苗, 李德龙, 阴伟晓, 郑小波,王源超*. 2011 (2). 我国部分地区大豆疫霉群体遗传分析. 南京农业大学学报: 73-77.

18. 唐庆华, 崔林开, 李德龙, 戴婷婷, 阴伟晓, 董莎萌, 邢邯, 郑小波,王源超*. 2010 (11). 黄淮地区大豆种质资源对疫霉根腐病的抗病性评价. 中国农业科学: 2246-2252.



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