
Department of Ecological Cultivation and Meteorology




Personal Information



Zhan Ming



Position Title

Associate Professor

Working Department

College of Plant Science and Technology


[email protected]


College of Plant Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P.R. China





Research Interest

Ø Soil fertility, carbon and nitrogen cycling under farming systems  

Ø Maize eco-physiology and cultivation


Professional Memberships

Ø Member in the Crop Scicence Society of China, and the Ecological Society of China



Other Roles


Education & Working Experience

1992-1996, Undergraduate in Agronomy Department of Huazhong Agricultural University, China (HZAU).

1999-2011, Senior Lecturer in College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, China

2002.10-2003.8, Visiting scholar in Kasetsart University, and Department of Agricultural Extension, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand.

2013.3-2014.3, Visiting scholar in Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA.

2012 to now, Associate Professor of Huazhong Agricultural University, China 



1. Yuling Han, Wei Ma, Baoyuan Zhou, Akram Salah, Mingjian Geng, Cougui Cao, Ming Zhan*, Ming Zhao*. Straw return increases crop grain yields and K-use efficiency under a maize-rice cropping system[J]. The Crop Journal, 2020. DOI: //doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2020.04.003  

2.  Yuling Han, Wei Ma, Baoyuan Zhou, Xiaolong Yang, Akram Salah, Congfeng Li, Cougui Cao, Ming Zhan*, Ming Zhao*. Effects of Straw-Return Method for the Maize–Rice Rotation System on Soil Properties and Crop Yields. Agronomy 2020, 10(4) 461. Agronomy 2020, 10(4), 461; //doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10040461 (registering DOI)

3. Meng Sun, Ming Zhan*, Ming Zhao, Lanlan Tang, Ming Guang Qin, Cougui Cao, Mingli Cai, Yang Jiang, Zhihui Liu. (2019). Maize and rice double cropping benefits carbon footprint and soil carbon budget in paddy field. Field Crops Research, 243, 107620.

4. Akram Salah, Ming Zhan*, Cougui Cao, Yuling Han, Lin Ling, Zhihui Liu, Ping Li, MiaoYe &Yang Jiang. γ-aminobutyric acid promotes chloroplast ultrastructure, antioxidant capacity, and growth of waterlogged maize seedlings. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9(1): 484.

5. Ming Zhan, Adam J. Liska, Anthony L. Nguy-Robertson, Andrew E. Suyker, Matthew P. Pelton, Haishun Yang. (2019). Modeled and Measured Ecosystem Respiration in Maize–Soybean Systems Over 10 Years. Agronomy Journal, 110: 49-58

6. Ying Xu, Ming Zhan*, Cougui Cao, Junzhu Ge, Rongzhong Ye, Shaoyang Tian, Mingli Cai. (2017). Effects of irrigation management during the rice growing season on soil organic carbon pools. Plant and Soil, 421(1-2), 337-351.

7. Ying Xu, Ming Zhan*, Cougui Cao*, Shaoyang Tian, Tian, Junzhu Ge, Shuya Li, Mengying Wang, Guoyin Yuan. (2016). Improved water management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in no-till rapeseedrice rotations in Central China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 221, 87-98.

8. Junzhu Ge, Ying Xu, Xinyue Zhong, Shuya Li, Shaoyang Tian, Guoyin Yuan,  Cougui Cao, Ming Zhan*, Ming Zhao* (2016). Climatic Conditions Varied by Planting Date Affects Maize Yield in Central China. Agronomy Journal, 108(3), 966-977.

9. Ying Xu, Junzhu Ge, Shaoyang Tian, Shuya Li, Anthony L.Nguy-Robertson, Ming Zhan*, Cougui Cao*.   Effects   of   water-saving irrigation  practices  and  drought  resistant  rice  variety  on  greenhouse  gas emissions from a no-till paddy in the central lowlands of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 505: 10431052.

10. Salah, A.; Li, J.; Ge, J; Cao, C.; Li, H.; Wang, Y.; Liu, Z. ; Zhan, M.* ; Zhao, M*. Morphological and Physiological Responses of Maize Seedlings under Drought and Waterlogging. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2019, 21(5): 1199-1214

11. Ibrahim M, Cougui Cao, Ming Zhan*, Chengfang Li, Iqbal J.  Changes  of CO2  emission  and  labile  organic  carbon  as  influenced  by  rice  straw  and different  water  regimes.  International Journal  of  Environmental  Science  and Technology, 2015, 12(1): 263-274.

12. Zhan MingCao Cou-gui*Wang Jin-pingJiang YangCai Ming-liYue Li-xinAhmad Shahrear. Dynamics of methane emission, active soil organic carbon  and  their  relationships  in  wetland  integrated  rice-duck  systems  in Southern China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2011, 89:1-13. (第1作者)

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