
Department of Crop Information

LI Lin



Personal Information



Li, Lin



Position Title


Working Department

College of Plant Science and Technology


[email protected]


National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement

College of Plant Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P.R. China





Research Interest

Ø Genetic basis of maize plant architecture

Ø Comparative functional genomics between maize and Teosinte

Ø ZeaENCODE (The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements in Zea species)

Professional Memberships

Ø Member of Crop Science Society of China


Other Roles

Ø Associated Editor of the Plant Genome

Education & Working Experience

2001-2005, Undergraduate in Agronomy Department of China Agricultural University (CAU).

2005-2010, Postgraduate of China Agricultural University (CAU).

2010-2013, Post-Doctor of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

2013-2016, Research Associate of University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

2016 to now, Professor of Huazhong Agricultural University.








Knauer, S., Javelle, M., Li, L., Li, X., Ma, X., Wimalanathan, K., Kumari, S., Johnston, R., Leiboff, S., and Meeley, R. (2019). A high-resolution gene expression atlas links dedicated meristem genes to key architectural traits. Genome Research 29, 1962–1973.

Pan, Q., Wei, J., Guo, F., Huang, S., Gong, Y., Liu, H., Liu, J., and Li, L. (2019). Trait ontology analysis based on association mapping studies bridges the gap between crop genomics and Phenomics. BMC Genomics 20, 443.

Zhang, H., Wang, X., Pan, Q., Li, P., Liu, Y., Lu, X., Zhong, W., Li, M., Han, L., and Li, J. (2019a). QTG-Seq Accelerates QTL Fine Mapping through QTL Partitioning and Whole-Genome Sequencing of Bulked Segregant Samples. Molecular Plant 12, 426–437.

Zhang, L., Zhang, X., Wang, X., Xu, J., Wang, M., Li, L., Bai, G., Fang, H., Hu, S., and Li, J. (2019b). SEED CAROTENOID DEFICIENT Functions in Isoprenoid Biosynthesis via the Plastid MEP Pathway. Plant Physiology 179, 1723–1738.

Zhang, P., Fan, Y., Sun, X., Chen, L., Terzaghi, W., Bucher, E., Li, L., and Dai, M. (2019c). A large‐scale circular RNA profiling reveals universal molecular mechanisms responsive to drought stress in maize and Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal 98, 697–713.

Han, L., Mu, Z., Luo, Z., Pan, Q., and Li, L. (2019a). New lncRNA annotation reveals extensive functional divergence of the transcriptome in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 61, 394–405.

Han, L., Li, L., Muehlbauer, G.J., Fowler, J.E., and Evans, M.M. (2019b). RNA Isolation and analysis of LncRNAs from gametophytes of maize. In Plant Long Non-Coding RNAs, (Humana Press, New York, NY), pp. 67–86.

Hemshrot, A., Poets, A.M., Tyagi, P., Lei, L., Carter, C.K., Hirsch, C.N., Li, L., Brown-Guedira, G., Morrell, P.L., and Muehlbauer, G.J. (2019). Development of a multiparent population for genetic mapping and allele discovery in six-row barley. Genetics 213, 595–613.

Luo, Z., Qian, J., Chen, S., and Li, L. (2019a). Dynamic patterns of circular and linear RNAs in maize hybrid and parental lines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics.

Luo, Z., Han, L., Qian, J., and Li, L. (2019b). Circular RNAs exhibit extensive intraspecific variation in maize. Planta.

Chen, L., Zhang, P., Fan, Y., Lu, Q., Li, Q., Yan, J., Muehlbauer, G.J., Schnable, P.S., Dai, M., and Li, L. (2018). Circular RNAs mediated by transposons are associated with transcriptomic and phenotypic variation in maize. New Phytologist 217, 1292–1306.

Beier, S., Himmelbach, A., Colmsee, C., Zhang, X.-Q., Barrero, R.A., Zhang, Q., Li, L., Bayer, M., Bolser, D., and Taudien, S. (2017). Construction of a map-based reference genome sequence for barley, Hordeum vulgare L. Scientific Data 4, 170044.

Chen, L., Zhang, P., Fan, Y., Huang, J., Lu, Q., Li, Q., Yan, J., Muehlbauer, G.J., Schnable, P.S., and Dai, M. (2017). Transposons modulate transcriptomic and phenotypic variation via the formation of circular RNAs in maize. BioRxiv 100578.

Mascher, M., Gundlach, H., Himmelbach, A., Beier, S., Twardziok, S.O., Wicker, T., Radchuk, V., Dockter, C., Hedley, P.E., and Russell, J. (2017). A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome. Nature 544, 427.

Pan, Q., Xu, Y., Li, K., Peng, Y., Zhan, W., Li, W., Li, L., and Yan, J. (2017a). The genetic basis of plant architecture in 10 maize recombinant inbred line populations. Plant Physiology 175, 858–873.

Pan, Q., Deng, M., Yan, J., and Li, L. (2017b). Complexity of genetic mechanisms conferring nonuniformity of recombination in maize. Scientific Reports 7, 1205.

Pan, Q., Li, L., Yang, X., Tong, H., Xu, S., Li, Z., Li, W., Muehlbauer, G.J., Li, J., and Yan, J. (2016). Genome‐wide recombination dynamics are associated with phenotypic variation in maize. New Phytologist 210, 1083–1094.

Li, L., Briskine, R., Schaefer, R., Schnable, P.S., Myers, C.L., Flagel, L.E., Springer, N.M., and Muehlbauer, G.J. (2016). Co-expression network analysis of duplicate genes in maize (Zea mays L.) reveals no subgenome bias. BMC Genomics 17, 875.

Huang, Y., Li, L., Smith, K.P., and Muehlbauer, G.J. (2016). Differential transcriptomic responses to Fusarium graminearum infection in two barley quantitative trait loci associated with Fusarium head blight resistance. BMC Genomics 17, 387.

Xiao, Y., Thatcher, S., Wang, M., Wang, T., Beatty, M., Zastrow‐Hayes, G., Li, L., Li, J., Li, B., and Yang, X. (2016). Transcriptome analysis of near‐isogenic lines provides molecular insights into starch biosynthesis in maize kernel. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 58, 713–723.

Li, X., Li, L., and Yan, J. (2015). Dissecting meiotic recombination based on tetrad analysis by single-microspore sequencing in maize. Nature Communications 6, 6648.

Li, L., Eichten, S.R., Shimizu, R., Petsch, K., Yeh, C.-T., Wu, W., Chettoor, A.M., Givan, S.A., Cole, R.A., and Fowler, J.E. (2014). Genome-wide discovery and characterization of maize long non-coding RNAs. Genome Biology 15, R40.

Li, L., Petsch, K., Shimizu, R., Liu, S., Xu, W.W., Ying, K., Yu, J., Scanlon, M.J., Schnable, P.S., and Timmermans, M.C. (2013). Mendelian and non-Mendelian regulation of gene expression in maize. PLoS Genetics 9, e1003202.

Li, Q., Yang, X., Xu, S., Cai, Y., Zhang, D., Han, Y., Li, L., Zhang, Z., Gao, S., and Li, J. (2012). Genome-wide association studies identified three independent polymorphisms associated with α-tocopherol content in maize kernels. PLoS One 7, e36807.

Yang, X., Gao, S., Xu, S., Zhang, Z., Prasanna, B.M., Li, L., Li, J., and Yan, J. (2011). Characterization of a global germplasm collection and its potential utilization for analysis of complex quantitative traits in maize. Molecular Breeding 28, 511–526.

Li, L., Li, H., Li, Q., Yang, X., Zheng, D., Warburton, M., Chai, Y., Zhang, P., Guo, Y., and Yan, J. (2011). An 11-bp insertion in Zea mays fatb reduces the palmitic acid content of fatty acids in maize grain. PloS One 6, e24699.

Li, L., Li, H., Li, J., Xu, S., Yang, X., Li, J., and Yan, J. (2010a). A genome-wide survey of maize lipid-related genes: candidate genes mining, digital gene expression profiling and co-location with QTL for maize kernel oil. Science China Life Sciences 53, 690–700.

Yang, X., Yan, J., Shah, T., Warburton, M.L., Li, Q., Li, L., Gao, Y., Chai, Y., Fu, Z., and Zhou, Y. (2010). Genetic analysis and characterization of a new maize association mapping panel for quantitative trait loci dissection. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121, 417–431.

Li, Q., Li, L., Yang, X., Warburton, M.L., Bai, G., Dai, J., Li, J., and Yan, J. (2010b). Relationship, evolutionary fate and function of two maize co-orthologs of rice GW2 associated with kernel size and weight. BMC Plant Biology 10, 143.

Lin, L., Qing, L., Li-bo, W., Zu-xin, Z., JianSheng, L., and Yan, J. (2009). Genetic analysis of QTL affecting recombination frequency in whole genome of maize and rice. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 42, 2262–2270.

Li, Q., Li, L., Dai, J., Li, J., and Yan, J. (2009). Identification and characterization of CACTA transposable elements capturing gene fragments in maize. Chinese Science Bulletin 54, 642–651.

Wang, G.-X., Chen, Y., Zhao, J.-R., Li, L., Korban, S.S., Wang, F.-G., Li, J.-S., Dai, J.-R., and Xu, M.-L. (2007). Mapping of defense response gene homologs and their association with resistance loci in maize. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49, 1580–1598.

Xiao, W., Zhao, J., Fan, S., Li, L., Dai, J., and Xu, M. (2007). Mapping of genome-wide resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in maize (Zea mays L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 115, 501–508.

Hailin, M., Xiaohong, Y., Yuqiu, G., Lin, L., Guanghong, B., and Jiansheng, L. (2009). Correlation Analysis of Kernel Traits and Oil Concentration in Maize. Crops 11.

Jian-Bing, Y.A.N., Ji-Hua, T., Yi-Jiang, M., Xi-Qing, M.A., Wen-Tao, T., Chander, S., Lin, L.I., and Jian-Sheng, L.I. (2006). Improving QTL mapping resolution based on genotypic sampling—a case using a RIL population. Acta Genetica Sinica 33, 617–624.

Additional Information


Major contributor to China Patent ZL 2010-1-0285616.X – Functional validation of Zea mays fatb gene in regulation of the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in maize kernels and its application


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