Contact details
Changying Niu
Professor, PhD supervisor
College of Plant Science & Technology
Huazhong Agricultural University
Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China
Tel: +86 13667166206 (Mobile phone)
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Expertise Statement
Teaching Duties
§ General Entomology, Insect Physiology, Insect Physiology and Biochemistry Experimental techniques
Research Interests
§ Insect Physiology & Molecular Biology
§ Sustainable Management of Tephritid pests
§ Environmental-friendly Pest Control Strategies and Application
Professional Memberships
§ Member of International Fruit Fly Steering Committee
§ Specialist in Tephritid pests of Ministry of Agriculture of China
§ Fellow of the Hubei Province Entomological Society
Education & Working Experience
§ 2010-Ongoing Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
§ 2002-2009 Associate Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
§ 2004-2005 Visiting Scholar in The University of Queensland, Australia
§ 2000-2002 Lecturer, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
§ 1997-2000 Doctor of Entomology, Zhejiang University, China
§ 1992-1995 Master of Entomology, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
§ 1988-1992 Bachelor of Plant Protection, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Grants and Awards
§ National Natural Science Foundation of China: Molecular mechanisms of host location by visual cues of color and shape in the Chinese citrus fly, Bactrocera minax. PI.
§ Joint National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) –Israel Science Foundation (ISF) Research Grant: Bacterial effects on host use by fruit flies. PI.
§ Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest: Transformation and utilization of crop straw. PI.
§ Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities: Environmental-friendly pest management and demonstration against Tephritids. PI.
§ China-Thailand International Cooperative Projects: Biocontrol of China-Thai Tephritid Pests towards Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management. PI.
§ China-France International Cooperative Projects: Structure, strength and invisibility of aphid food webs (APHIWEB). PI.
§ National Natural Science Foundation of China: The molecular regulation mechanism of 20-Hydroxyecdysone on pupal diapause termination of Bactrocera minax. PI.
§ National Natural Science Foundation of China: HaHMG-CoA reductase gene regulates Helicoverpa armigera Cotton Bollworm reproductive trade-off after phototropic response. PI.
§ International Cooperative Innovation Projects of Huazhong Agricultural University: Molecular regulation of pupal diapause of Bactrocera minax. PI.
§ National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center Funding of Ministry of Agriculture of China: The identification and risk analysis of quarantine pests. PI.
§ Agricultural Pest Monitoring and Control Projects of Ministry of Agriculture of China: Monitoring and management of Bactrocera minax and Bactrocera dorsalis. PI.
§ United Nations International Cooperative Projects: Behavior and integrated control strategies on Bactrocera minax. PI.
§ Research Initial Funding from Ministry of Education of China: The studies on biology, ecology and molecular evolution of Chetoneura shennonggongensis. PI.
§ Funding of State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests of Institute of Plant Protection of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS): The biology, invasion origin and suitability analysis of Bactrocera dorsalis in Hubei province. PI.
§ Innovation Funding of Huazhong Agricultural University: The study on using insect cell line to produce antibiotic peptide. PI.
§ Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest: Integrated pest control and demonstration against Tephritids. Collaborator.
§ Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest: Monitoring and control of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis and Sogatella furcifera. Collaborator.
§ Top ten tutors for postgraduates of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2016
§ Outstanding Individual of Education system in Hubei Province, 2015.
§ Outstanding Individual of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2014.
§ Teaching Excellence Award of Huazhong Agricultural Univeristy, 2013, first prize.
§ Teaching Excellence Award of Huazhong Agricultural Univeristy, 2007, third prize.
§ National exquisite “General Entomology” course, 2003.
§ Exquisite “General Entomology” course of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2002, rank 4.
1. Yaohui Wang, Awawing A Andongma, Yongcheng Dong, Zhenzhong Chen, Penghui Xu, Xueming Ren, Matthew N Krosch, Anthony R Clarke and Changying Niu*. Rh6 gene modulates the visual mechanism of host utilization in fruit fly Bactrocera minax [J]. Pest Management Science. 2019. 75(6):1621-1629.
2. Yaohui Wang, Bingli Gao, Guijian Zhang, Xuewei Qi, Shuai Cao, Mazarin Akami, Yong ping Huang* and Changying Niu*. Mutation of Bdpaired induces embryo lethality in the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis. Pest Manag Sci. 2019.
3. Wang Y, Chen X, Liu Z, Xu J, Li X, Bi H, Andongma AA, Niu C*, Huang Y*. Mutation of doublesex induces sex-specific sterility of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. Insect Biochem Mol Biol. 2019. 112:103180.
4. Awawing Anjwengwo Andongma, Lun Wan, YongCheng Dong, Yu-Lei Wang, Jin He and Chang-Ying Niu*. Assessment of the Bacteria community structure across life stages of the Chinese Citrus Fly, Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae). BMC Microbiology. 2019, 19:285.
5. Mazarin Akami, Xue-Ming Ren, Xuewei Qi, Abdelaziz Mansour, Bingli Gao, Shuai Cao and Chang-Ying Niu*. Symbiotic bacteria motivate the foraging decision and promote fecundity and survival of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). BMC Microbiology. (2019) 19:229.
6. Khaeso, K., Andongma, A.A., Akami, M., Souliyanonh, B., Niu, CY. Assessing the effects of gut bacteria manipulation on the development of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (diptera; tephritidae). Symbiosis. 2017. (9), 1-9.
7. Rashid, MA. Andongma, AA. Dong, YC. Ren, XM. Niu, CY. Effect of gut bacteria on fitness of the chinese citrus fly, Bactrocera minax, (diptera: tephritidae). Symbiosis. 2018. 76(1), 63-69.
8. Penghui Xu, Yaohui Wang, Mazarin Akami, Chang-Ying Niu*. Identification of olfactory genes and functional analysis of BminCSP and BminOBP21 in Bactrocera minax. PLoS ONE. 14(9): e0222193.
9. Xuewei Qi, Zhihao Li, Mazarin Akami, Abdelaziz Mansour, Chang-Ying Niu*. Fermented crop straws by Trichoderma viride and Saccharomyces cerevisiae enhanced the bioconversion rate of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019. 26:29388–29396.
10. Akami M, Njintang NY, Gbaye OA, Andongma AA, Rashid MA, Niu CY*, Nukenine EN*. Gut bacteria of the cowpea beetle mediate its resistance to dichlorvos and susceptibility to Lippia adoensis essential oil. Sci Rep. 2019. 9(1):6435.
11. Akami M, Andongma AA, Zhengzhong C, Nan J, Khaeso K, Jurkevitch E, Niu CY*, Yuval B*. Intestinal bacteria modulate the foraging behavior of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae). PLoS One. 2019. 14(1):e0210109.
12. Ma XL, Suiter KA, Chen ZZ, Niu CY*. Estimation of lower developmental threshold and degree days for pupal development of different geographical populations of Chinese Citrus fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in China. J Econ Entomol. 2019. 112(3):1162-1166.
13. Dong YC, Chen ZZ, Clarke AR, Niu CY*. Changes in energy metabolism trigger pupal diapause transition of Bactrocera minax after 20-hydroxyecdysone application. Front Physiol. 2019. 10:1288.
14. Asimakis ED, Doudoumis V, Hadapad AB, Hire RS, Batargias C, Niu C, Khan M, Bourtzis K, Tsiamis G. Detection and characterization of bacterial endosymbionts in Southeast Asian tephritid fruit fly populations. BMC Microbiol. 2019. 19:290.
15. Mazarin Akami, Hamada Chakira, Awawing A. Andongma, Kanjana Khaeso, Olajire A. Gbaye, Njintang Y. Nicolas, E.-N. Nukenine and Chang-Ying Niu Essential oil optimizes the susceptibility callosobruchus maculatus and enhances the nutritional qualities of stored cowpea vigna unguiculata. Royal Society Open Science. 2017. 4(8): 170692.
16. Awawing A. Andongma, Lun Wan, Xue-ping Dong, Mazarin Akami, Jin He, Anthony R. Clarke and Chang-Ying Niu. The impact of nutritional quality and gut bacteria on the fitness of Bactrocera minax (diptera: tephritidae). Royal Society open science. 2018. 5: 180237.
17. Yong-Cheng Dong, Zhi-Jian Wang, Zhen-Zhong Chen, Anthony R. Clarke & Changying Niu*. Bactrocera dorsalis male sterilization by targeted RNA interference of spermatogenesis: empowering sterile insect technique programs. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:35750 | DOI: 10.1038/srep35750
18. Jian Zhu, Yongcheng Dong, Ping Li, Changying Niu*. The effect of silencing 20E biosynthesis relative genes by feeding bacterially expressed dsRNA on the larval development of Chilo suppressalis. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 28697 | DOI: 10.1038/srep28697
19. Zhenzhong Chen, Yongcheng Dong, Yaohui Wang, Awawing A. Andongma, Muhammad A. Rashid, Patcharin Krutmuang & Changying Niu*. Pupal diapause termination in Bactrocera minax: an insight on 20-hydroxyecdysone induced phenotypic and genotypic expressions. Scientific Reports 2016, 6 :27440 DOI: 10.1038/srep27440
20. Yong-Cheng Dong, Zhi-Jian Wang, Zhen-Zhong Chen, Anthony R. Clarke & Changying Niu*. Bactrocera dorsalis male sterilization by targeted RNA interference of spermatogenesis: empowering sterile insect technique programs. Scientific Reports 2016, 6:35750 | DOI: 10.1038/srep35750
21. Jian Zhu, Yongcheng Dong, Ping Li, Changying Niu*. The effect of silencing 20E biosynthesis relative genes by feeding bacterially expressed dsRNA on the larval development of Chilo suppressalis. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 28697 | DOI: 10.1038/srep28697
22. Zhenzhong Chen, Yongcheng Dong, Yaohui Wang, Awawing A. Andongma, Muhammad A. Rashid, Patcharin Krutmuang & Changying Niu*. Pupal diapause termination in Bactrocera minax: an insight on 20-hydroxyecdysone induced phenotypic and genotypic expressions. Scientific Reports 2016, 6 :27440 DOI: 10.1038/srep27440
23. Awawing A. Andongma, Lun Wan, Yong-Cheng Dong, Ping li, Nicolas Desneux, Jennifer A. White, Chang-Ying Niu*. Pyrosequencing reveals a shift in symbiotic bacteria populations across life stages of Bactrocera dorsalis. Scientific Reports 2015, 5: 9470.
24. Ying Liu, Peng-Hui Xu, Zhou Chen, Ping Li, Chang-Ying Niu*. Grading criteria of the ovarian development in female adult of Bactrocera minax (Enderlein). Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University 2015, 34: 33-37.
25. Yong-Cheng Dong,Lun Wan,Rui Pereira,Nicolas Desneux,Chang-Ying Niu*. Feeding and mating behaviour of Chinese citrus fly Bactrocera minax (Diptera, Tephritidae) in the field. Journal of Pest Science 2014, 87(4): 647-657.
26. Giovanni Benelli, Kent M. Daane, Angelo Canale, Chang-Ying Niu, Russell H. Messing, Roger I. Vargas. Sexual communication and related behaviours in Tephritidae: current knowledge and potential applications for Integrated Pest Management. Journal of Pest Science 2014, 87: 385-405.
27. Yong-Cheng Dong, Nicolas Desneux, Chao-Liang Lei, Chang-Ying Niu*. Transcriptome characterization analysis of Bactrocera minax and new insights into its pupal diapause development with gene expression analysis. International Journal of Biological Sciences 2014, 10: 1051-1063.
28. Zong-Kai Li, Yong-Cheng Dong, Jing-Quan Zhu, Jing Zhao, Chang-Ying Niu*. The observation of structural and morphological characteristics of the ovipositor of Chinese citrus fly Bactrocera minax. Journal of Environmental Entomology 2014, 36: 79-83.
29. Jin-Tao Wang. Yong-Cheng Dong, Zong-Kai Li, Shao-Bo Li, Chang-Ying Niu*. Overview of the use of the sterile insect technique to control the Chinese citrus fruit fly. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 2013, 50: 848-852.
30. Zong-Kai Li, Xiao-Wei Zhou, Feng-Lian Yang, Chang-Ying Niu*. The mouthparts of Bactrocera minax by scanning electron microscope. Plant Quarantine 2013, 27: 57-59.
31. Zhi-Jian Wang, Yong-Cheng Dong, Nicolas Desneux, Chang-Ying Niu*. RNAi Silencing of the HaHMG-CoA Reductase Gene Inhibits Oviposition in the Helicoverpa armigera Cotton Bollworm. PloS One 2013, 8(7): e67762.
32. Yong-Cheng Dong, Zhi-Jian Wang, Anthony R. Clarke, Rui Pereira, Nicolas Desneux, Chang-Ying Niu*. Pupal diapause development and termination is driven by low temperature chilling in Bactrocera minax. Journal of Pest science 2013, 86(3): 429-436.
33. Xiao-Wei Zhou, Chang-Ying Niu*, Peng Han, and Nicolas Desneux. Field evaluation of attractive lures for the fruit fly Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae) and their potential use in spot sprays in Hubei province (China). Journal of Economic Entomology 2012, 105(4): 1277-1284.
34. Peng Han, Chang-Ying Niu*, Antonio Biondi, Nicolas Desneux. Does transgenic Cry1Ac + CpTI cotton pollen affect hypopharyngeal gland development and midgut proteolytic enzyme activity in the honey bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)? Ecotoxicology 2012, 21: 2214-2221
35. Peng Han, Xu Wang, Chang-Ying Niu*,Yong-Cheng Dong, Jing-Quan Zhu, Nicolas Desneux. Population dynamics, phenology, and overwintering of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Hubei Province, China. Journal of Pest Science 2011, 84: 289-295.
36. Peng Han, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei,Jin-Jie Cui, Nicolas Desneux. Use of an innovative T-tube maze assay and the proboscis extension response assay to assess sublethal effects of GM products and pesticides on learning capacity of the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Ecotoxicology 2010, 19: 1612-1619.
37. Peng Han, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei, Jin-Jie Cui, Nicolas Desneux. Quantification of toxins in a Cry1Ac + CpTI cotton cultivar and its potential effects on the honey bee Apis mellifera L. Ecotoxicology 2010, 19: 1452-1459.
38. Yi-Peng Xu, Zheng-Pei Ye, Chang-Ying Niu, Yan-Yuan Bao, Wen-Bing Wang, Wei-De Shen, and Chuan-Xi Zhang. Comparative Analysis of the Genomes of Bombyx mandarina and Bombyx mori Nucleopolyhedroviruses. The Journal of Microbiology 2010, 48(1): 102-110.
39. Li-Zhen Chen, Jin-Jie Cui, Wei-Hua Ma, Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei. Pollen from Cry1Ac/CpTI-transgenic cotton does not affect the pollinating beetle Haptoncus luteolus. Journal of Pest Science 2010, 84: 9-14.
40. Li-Zhen Chen, Wei-Hua Ma, Xiao-Ping Wang, Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei. Analysis of pupal head proteome and their alterations in diapausing pupae of Helicoverpa armigera. Journal of Insect Physiology 2010, 56(3): 247-252
41. Yun-Xia Cheng, Li-Zhi Luo, Xing-Fu Jiang, Lei Zhang, Chang-Ying Niu. Expression of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide and its receptor (PBANR) mRNA in adult female Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 2010, 75(1): 13-27.
42. Qin Liu, Chang-Ying Niu*, Xu Wang. Different geographical populations of Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University 2010, 29(4): 436-439.
43. Yong-Zheng Gu, Xue-Zhen Li, Chang-Ying Niu*. Spatial and temporal pattern of a Chetoneura shennonggongensis population and their association with environmental factors. Acta Ecologica Sinica 2010, 30(24): 6828-6834.
44. Xue-Zhen Li, Chang-Ying Niu*, Qiu-Ying Huang, Chao-Liang Lei, David W. Stanley. Life cycle of Chetoneura shennonggongensis (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Keroplatinae) from Jiangxi Province, China. Insect Science 2009, 00:1-9
45. Xu Wang, Qin Liu, Chang-Ying Niu*. Population dynamics of Bactrocera dorsalis in Wuhan Hubei province. Chinese Journal of Biological Control 2009, 25(2): 105-108.
46. Lu-Lu Lin, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei. The research progress of medicinal insects against cancer. Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research 2009, 20(3): 620-622.
47. Lu-Lu Lin, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei. The effects of Ootheca Mantidis and its extracts on alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research 2009, 20(8): 1901-1903.
48. Zhong-Jiu Jiao, Chang-Ying Niu*, Xian-Wei Liu, Chao-Liang Lei, Wen-Xuan Bi. Descriptions of Chinese species of the subgenus Diestrammena (Gymnaeta) Adelung (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae). Zootaxa 2008, 1917: 55-60
49. Daliton De Souza Amorim, Chang-Ying Niu*, Xue-Zhen Li, Chao-Liang Lei, Arthur K. Clarke Chetoneura shennonggongensis, a new species of cave–dwelling Keroplatini from China (Diptera: Keroplatidae), with a discussion of the position of Chetoneura. Zootaxa 2008, 1716: 59-68.
50. Changying Niu*, Chaoliang Lei and David J. Merritt. Temperature-dependence of bioluminescence of the Australian glow-worm Arachnocampa flava Harrison (Diptera: Keroplatidae). Luminescence 2008, 23:86
51. Xue-Zhen Li, Chang-Ying Niu*, Zhong-Jiu Jiao, Chao-Liang Lei, Xue-Feng Tan. Cave fauna in Yachang nature reserve, Guangxi. Biodiversity Science 2008, 16(2): 185-190.
52. Xiu-Juan Zhou, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei. The application of transgenic insect technology. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology 2008, 45(3): 368-373.
53. Jian Xue, Zheng-Shuai An, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei. The use of aquatic dipteran insect larvae to monitor heavy metal pollution. Chinese Bulletin of Entomology 2008, 45(3): 378-383.
54. Xue-Zhen Li, Chang-Ying Niu*, Chao-Liang Lei, Dao-Shan Han. General situation of the researches on Chinese cave invertebrate. Carsologica Sinica 2007, 26(3): 255-261.
55. Jian Wang, Fen Zhu, Xin-Miao Zhou, Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei. Repellent and fumigant activity of essential oil from Artemisia vulgaris to Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research 2006, 42(3): 339-347.
56. Bin-Bin Zhu, Yong Jiang, Chang-Ying Niu, Xing-Miao Zhou, Chao-Liang Lei. Cloning and analysis of cDNA fragments of two odorant binding proteins from the antenna of Musca domestica. Acta Entomologica Sinica 2005, 48(5): 804-809.
57. Bin-Bin Zhu, Yong Jiang, Chang-Ying Niu, Chang-Yu Zhang, Chao-Liang Lei. Construction of a cDNA library of the Antenna of housefly, Musca domestica. Zoological Research 2005, 26(2): 203-208.
58. Xing-Miao Zhou, Yong Jiang, Chang-Ying Niu, Jin Xiao, Chao-Liang Lei. Influence of temperature and light on the growth and development of Tenodera angustipennis and related preying functional responses. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 2004, 15(8): 1423-1426.
59. Yong Jiang, Chao-Liang Lei, Chang-Ying Niu, Yu-Ling Fang, Chun Xiao, Zhong-Ning Zhang. Semiochemicals from mature ovaries of gravid females attracting the oviposition of female Musca domestica. Entomological Knowledge 2003, 40(2): 150-153.
60. You Zhou, Jing Liu, Feng Zhu, Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei. Preliminary study on the venomous weight of Mylabris phalerata adults. Natural enemies of insects 2003, 25(4): 184-187.
61. Chang-Ying Niu, Yong Jiang, Chao-Liang Lei, Cui Hu. Effects of cadmium on housefly: influence on growth and development and metabolism during metamorphosis of housefly. Entomologia Sinica 2002, 9(1): 27-33.
62. Yong Jiang, Chao-Liang Lei, Chang-Ying Niu, Zhong-Ling Zhang. Semiochemicals from ovaries of gravid females attract ovipositing female houseflies, Musca domestica. Journal of Insect Physiology 2002, 48: 945-950.
63. Chang-Ying Niu, Yong Jiang, Chao-Liang Lei, Cui Hu. Studies of invertebrate metallothionein. Chinese Journal of Zoology 2002, 37(1): 72-76.
64. Yong Jiang, Zhong-Ning Zhang, Chang-Ying Niu, Jian-Hua Deng, Chao-Liang Lei. Effects of avermectin on the suppression of the peach aphid, Myzus persicae, by Orius similis. Acta Entomologica Sinica 2002, 45(2): 215-220.
65. Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei, Cui Hu. Studies on a cadmium-induced metallothionein in housefly larvae, Musca domestica. Entomologia Sinica 2000, 7(4): 351-358.
66. Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei, Cui Hu. Research on insect metal binding protein. Entomological Knowledge 2000, 37(4): 244-247.
67. Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei, Liang-Bing Zong. The analysis of fatty acids with gas chromatography in housefly (Musca domestica vicina Macquart). Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University 1999, 18(3): 222-224.
68. Chang-Ying Niu, Chao-Liang Lei, Cui Hu. Dissection of alimentary canal of housefly larvae and its changes in relation to cadmium poisoning. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University 1999, 18(1): 24-27.
1. National Application patent: The design, producing and application of protein bait for Bactrocera minax. Publication number: CN101878781 A
2. Utility model patent: The device for potential risk analysis of genetically modified crops and pesticides on beneficial insect honeybees. Publication number: CN201682891 U
3. Utility model patent: Special traps for Bactrocera minax. Publication number: CN201854616 U