
Department of Plant Pathology

ZHANG Jingbo



Personal Information



Zhang Jingbo



Position Title


Working Department

Plant Pathology


[email protected]


College of Plant Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P.R. China





Research Interest

Ø Population structures of Fusarium fungi and pathway of trichothecenes biosynthesis

Ø GC/MS and HPLC method to detect mycotoxins produced by Fusarium isolates

Ø Molecular interaction between wheat and Fusarium

Ø FHB resistance analysis of wheat varieties

Ø Pathogenic genes of Fusarium graminearum isolating and cloning

Education & Working Experience


2002-2008 Master and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (Fungal Molecular Biology). Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China (directly seleteced for PhD study)

1998-2002 B.S. in Plant Protection. Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, China

Working Experience

2017.6-2018.6 Visiting Scholar UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA,US

2008-present Lecturer Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China


1) He, W.-J., Shi, M.-M., Yang, P., Huang, T., Zhao, Y., Wu, A.-B., Dong, W.-B., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B*. Liao, Y.-C*. A quinone-dependent dehydrogenase and two NADPH-dependent aldo/keto reductases detoxify deoxynivalenol in wheat via epimerization in a Devosia strain. Food Chemistry, 2020, 321: 126703.

2) He, W.-J., Shi, M.-M., Yang, P., Huang, T., Yuan, Q.-S., Yi, S.-Y., Wu, A.-B., Li H.-P., Gao C.-B., Zhang J.-B*., Liao Y.-C*. Novel soil bacterium strain Desulfitobacterium sp. PGC-3-9 detoxifies trichothecene mycotoxins in wheat via de-epoxidation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Toxins, 2020, 12(6): 363 

3) Gong, A.-D., Sun, G.-J., Zhao, Z.-Y., Liao, Y.-C., Zhang, J.-B*. Staphylococcus saprophyticus L-38 produces volatile, 3-dimethyl-1,2-epoxybutane with strong inhibitory activity against Aspergillus flavus germination and aflatoxin production. World Mycotoxin Journal, 2020: 13 (2): 247-258

4) Hu, Z.-Q., Li, H.-P., Liu, J.-L., Xue, S., Gong, A.-D., Zhang, J.-B*, Liao, Y.-C. Production of a phage-displayed mouse scFv antibody against Fumonisin B1 and molecular docking analysis of their interactions. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 2016, 21: 134-143.

5) Hu, Z.-Q., Li, H.-P., Liu, J.-L., Wu, P., Liao, Y.-C., Zhang, J.-B*. Screening of a monoclonal recombinant antibody against Fumonisin B1. Genomics and Applied Biology, 2015, 34(9): 1912-1916 (Chinese)

6) Hu, Z.-Q., Li, H.-P., Wu, P., Liao, Y.-C., Zhang, J.-B*. A study on the optimization of condition for soluble expression of Fusarium-specific scFv antibody in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Bulletin, 2015, 31(9): 238-243 (Chinese)

7) Wang, J.-H., Zhang J.-B., Li, H.-P., Gong A.-D., Sheng Xue, Agboola R.-S., Liao, Y.-C. Molecular identification, mycotoxin production and comparative pathogenicity of Fusarium temperatum isolated from maize in China. Journal of Phytopathology, 2014,162(3): 147-157

8) Zhang, J.-B., Wang, J.-H., Gong, A.-D., Chen, F.-F., Song, B., Li, H.-P., Li, X., Peng, C.-H., Liao Y.-C. Natural occurrence of Fusarium head blight, mycotoxins, and mycotoxin-producing strains of Fusarium in commercial fields of wheat in Hubei. Plant Pathology, 2013, 62: 92-102

9) Li, X., Zhang, J.-B., Song, B., Li, H.-P., Xu, H. Q., Qu, B., Dang, F.-J., Liao, Y.-C. Resistance to Fusarium head blight and seedling blight in wheat is associated with activation of a cytochrome P450 gene. Phytopathology, 2010, 100: 183-191

10) Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Shi, R.-P., Huang, T., Fischer, R., Liao, Y.-C. Engineering Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat by expression of a fusion protein containing a Fusarium-specific antibody and an antifungal peptide. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2008, 21: 1242-1248

11) Zhang, J.-B., Li, H.-P., Dang, F.-J., Qu, B., Xu, Y.-B., Zhao, C.-S., Liao, Y.-C. Determination of the trichothecene mycotoxin chemotypes and associated geographical distribution and phylogenetic species of the Fusarium graminearum clade from China. Mycological Research, 2007, 111: 967-975

12) Guo, M.-W., Yang, P., Zhang, J.-B., Liu, G., Yuan, Q.-S, He, W.-J., Nian, J.-N., Yi, S.-Y, Huang, T., Liao, Y.-C. Expression of microRNA-like RNA-2 (Fgmil-2) and bioH1 from a single transcript in Fusarium graminearum are inversely correlated to regulate biotin synthesis during vegetative growth and host infection, Molecular plant pathology, 2019, 20(11): 1574-1581.

13) Song, X.-S., Xing, S., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Qu, B., Jiang, J.-H., Fan, C., Yang, P., Liu, J.-L., Hu, Z.-Q., Xue, S., Liao, Y.-C. An antibody that confers plant disease resistance targets a membrane-bound glyoxal oxidase in Fusarium. New Phytologist, 2016, 210: 997-1010.

14) Cheng, W., Song, X.-S., Li, H.-P., Cao, L.-H., Sun, K., Qiu, X.-L., Xu, Y.-B., Yang, P., Huang, T., Zhang, J.-B., Qu, B., Liao, Y.-C. Host-induced gene silencing of an essential chitin synthase gene confers durable resistance to Fusarium head blight and seedling blight in wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2015, 13: 1335-1345.

15) Cheng, W., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Du, H.-J., Wei, Q.- Y., Huang, T., Yang, P., Kong, X.-W., Liao, Y.-C. Tissue-specific and pathogen-inducible expression of a fusion protein containing a Fusarium-specific antibody and a fungal chitinase protects wheat against Fusarium pathogens and mycotoxins. Plant Biotechnol J, 2015, 13:664-674

16) Gong, A,-D., Li, H.-P., Shen, L., Zhang, J.-B., Wu, A.-B., He, W.-J., Yuan, Q.-S., He, J.-D., Liao, Y.-C. The Shewanella algae strain YM8 produces volatiles with strong inhibition activity against Aspergillus pathogens and aflatoxins. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, Oct 6. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01091.

17) Hu, Z.-Q., Li, H.-P., Wu, P., Li, Y.-B., Zhou, Z.-Q., Zhang, J.-B., Liu, J.-L., Liao, Y.-C. An affinity improved single-chain antibody from phage display of a library derived from monoclonal antibodies detects fumonisins by immunoassay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 867: 74-82.

18) Gong, A.-D., Li, H.-P., Yuan, Q.-S., Song, X.-S., Yao, W., He, W.-J., Zhang, J.-B., Liao, Y.-C. Antagonistic mechanism of iturin A and plipastatin A from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens S76-3 from wheat spikes against Fusarium graminearum. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(2): e0116871.

19) Song, X.-S., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Song, B., Huang, T., Du, X.-M., Gong, A.-D., Liu, Y.-K., Feng, Y.-N. Agboola, R.S., Liao, Y.-C. Trehalose 6-phosphate phosphatase is required for development, virulence and mycotoxin biosynthesis apart from trehalose biosynthesis in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014, 63: 24-41.

20) Wang, J.-H., Li, H.-P., Zhang J.-B., Wang B.-T., Liao, Y.-C. First report of Fusarium maize ear rot caused by Fusarium kyushuense in China. Plant Disease, 2014, 98(2): 279

21) Xue, S., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Liu, J.-L., Hu, Z.-Q., Gong, A.-D., Huang, T., Liao, Y.-C. Chicken single-chain antibody fused to alkaline phosphatase detects Aspergillus pathogens and their presence in natural samples by direct sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analytical Chemistry, 2013, 85 (22): 10992-10999

22) Song, B., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Wang, J.-H., Gong, A.-D., Song, X.-S., Chen T., Liao, Y.-C. Type II myosin gene in Fusarium graminearum is required for septation, development, mycotoxin biosynthesis and pathogenicity. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013, 54: 60-70

23) Hu, Z.-Q., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Huang, T., Liu, J.-L., Xue, S., Wu, A.-B., Liao, Y.-C. A phage-displayed chicken single-chain antibody fused to alkaline phosphatase detects Fusarium pathogens and their presence in cereal grains. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 764: 84-92

24) Gao, C.-S., Kou, X.-J., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Saad, A. Sefyan I., Liao, Y.-C. Inverse effects of Arabidopsis NPR1 gene on fusarium seedling blight and fusarium head blight in transgenic wheat. Plant Pathology, 2013, 62: 383-392

25) Ndoye, M., Zhang, J-B., Wang, J.-H., Gong, A.-D, Qu, B., Li, H.-P., Li, S.-J, Liao, Y.-C. Nivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol chemotypes of Fusarium graminearum clade species are prevalent on maize throughout China. Journal of Phytopathology, 2012, 160: 519-524

26) Wang, J.-H., Zhang, J-B., Chen, F.- F., Li, H.-P., Ndoye M., Liao, Y.-C. A multiplex PCR assay for genetic chemotyping of toxigenic Fusarium graminearum and wheat grains for 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol, 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol and nivalenol mycotoxins. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2012, 10: 505-511

27) Liu, Z.-W., Li, H.-P., Cheng, W., Yang, P., Zhang, J.-B., Gong, A.-D., Feng, Y.-N., Fernando, W. G. D., Liao, Y.-C. Enhanced overall resistance to Fusarium seedling blight and Fusarium head blight in transgenic wheat by co-expression of anti-fungal peptides. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2012, 134: 721-732

28) Hu, Z.-Q., Liu, J. L., Li, H.-P., Xing, S., Xue, S., Zhang, J.-B., Wang, J.-H., Nölke, G., Liao, Y.-C. Generation of a highly reactive chicken-derived single-chain variable fragment against Fusarium verticillioides by phage display. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2012, 13: 7038-7056

29) Liu, J.-L., Hu, Z.-Q., Xing, S., Xue, S., Li, H.-P., Zhang, J.-B., Liao, Y.-C. Attainment of 15-fold higher affinity of a Fusarium-specific single-chain antibody by directed molecular evolution coupled to phage display. Molecular Biotechnology, 2012, 52: 111-122Wang, J.-H., Ndoye, M., Zhang, J.-B., Li, H.-P., Liao, Y.-C. Population structure and genetic diversity of the Fusarium graminearum species complex. Toxins, 2011, 3: 1020-1037


1) Detection of Fusarium mycotoxins of wheat and developing of resistance resources to FHB in Hubei Province., 2018-2020,PI

2) Integration and demonstration of reduction of chemical fertilizer and pesticide in winter wheat region in Hubei area. National Key Research and Development Project, 2018-2020, PI 

3) Identification and functional analysis of CR1 gene in Fusarium graminearium, National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China, (Grant No. 31201475, 2013-2015) , PI

4) Isolation and application of recombinant antibodies against fumonisins, Wuhan Planning Project of Science and Technology, (Grant No. 2013020501010170, 2013-2014), PI

5) Determination of phylogenetic species and mycotoxins of Fusarium graminearum Clade from wheat and maize in in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. 20090146120013, 2010-2012), PI

6) Wheat breeding against Fusarium pathogens and mycotoxins though transgenic technology, National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2014ZX0800202B, 2014-2016), Participant

7) Wheat breeding for scab resistance by transgenic technology, National Science and Technology Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant No. 2016ZX08002001-003, 2016-2020), Participant




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