
Department of Applied Biology

GONG Yuhua

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information



Yuhua Gong



Position Title


Working Department

Institute of Applied Mycology

College of Plant Science and Technology




Institute of Applied Mycology

College of Plant Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

No.1,Shizishan Street, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P.R. China




Research Interest

Ø Lignocellulose degradation and utilization mechanism by macrofungi

Ø Macrofungi proteomics and molecular biology

Ø Environmental stress resistance mechanisms of macrofungi

Professional Memberships

Ø Chinese Society for Microbiology, Member

Ø Mycological Society of China, Member

Ø Hubei Edible Fungi Association, Deputy Secretary General

Other Roles

Ø Institute of Applied Mycology, Lab director


Master & Doctorate of Science, Microbiology, September 2003-December 2011

College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), Wuhan city, China

Dissertation: Comparative proteomic analysis revealed metabolic changes and the translational regulation of Cry protein synthesis in Bacillus thuringiensis YBT-1520

Advisor: Pro. Ziniu Yu & Associate professor Mingshun Li

Bachelor of Engineering, Fermentation Engineering, September 1998-June 2002

College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), Wuhan city, China

Thesis: “Online detection of biomass concentration of Bacillus thuringiensis by turbidimeter in batch fermentation

Advisor: Pro. Ziniu Yu

Research Experience

Joint training of doctoral student, Bioinformatics Laboratory, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China, May 2005-December, 2005,February, 2006-May 2006

l Bacillus thuringiensis genome sequencing

l Establishment of 2-D electrophoresis gels method for Bacillus thuringiensis

Visitor, Beijing Genomics Institute, Beijing, China, December, 2005-February, 2006

l Analysis of 2-D electrophoresis gels

l Protein identification by MALDI-TOF-MS/MS

Lecturer, Institute of Applied Mycology, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan city, China, July 2012 to present

l Establishment of 2-D electrophoresis gels method for Letinula edodes

l Study on regulation of lignocellulase gene expression in Lentinus edodes

l Thermo resistance mechanism of Letinula edodes mycelium

l Gene function analysis by co-expression and RNAi

Teaching Experience

Lecturer, Institute of Applied Mycology, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, 2012 to now

l Edible Fungi Cultivation

l Edible Fungi Breeding

l Storage and Processing of Edible and Medical Fungi

l Advances in edible fungi proteomics research

Teaching Assistant, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, 2010-2012

l Advances in Bacillus thuringiensis proteomics research


(1) Wang G, Luo Y, Wang C, Zhou Y, Mou C, Kang H, Xiao Y, Bian Y, Gong YH(*). Hsp40 Protein LeDnaJ07 Enhances the Thermotolerance of Lentinula edodes and Regulates IAA Biosynthesis by Interacting LetrpE. Front Microbiol. 2020 Apr 17;11:707

(2) Lianlian Yan, Ruiping Xu, Yan Zhou, Yuhua Gong, Shenghong Dai, Haiyang Liu, Yinbing Bian. Effects of Medium Composition and Genetic Background on Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation Efficiency of Lentinula edodes. Genes (Basel). 2019 Jun 19;10(6). pii: E467. doi: 10.3390/genes10060467.

(3) Gangzheng Wang, Chaojun Ma, Yi Luo, Shasha Zhou, Yan Zhou, Xiaolong Ma, Yingli Cai, Jingjing Yu, Yinbing Bian, Yuhua Gong(*). Proteome and Transcriptome Reveal Involvement of Heat Shock Proteins and Indoleacetic Acid Metabolism Process in Lentinula Edodes Thermotolerance, Cell Physiol Biochem, 2018; 50:1617-1637

(4) Yue Hu, Yingli Cai, Jingjing Yu, Junping Li, Yan Zhou, Yinbing Bian, Yuhua Gong(*). Function analysis of HMG-box transcription factor lelcrp1 in Lentinula edodes, Acta microbiologica Sinica, 2018, 58 (10), (in Chinese)

(5) Gangzheng Wang, ShaSha Zhou, Yi Luo, Chaojun Ma, Yuhua Gong, Yan Zhoua,Gao Shuangshuang, Zhicheng Huang, Yan Lianlian, Hu Yue, Yinbing Bian(*). The heat shock protein 40 LeDnaJ regulates stress resistance and indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in Lentinula edodes. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2018, 118:  37–44

(6) Yingli Cai, Yuhua Gong, Wei Liu, Yue Hu, Lianfu Chen, Lianlian Yan, Yan Zhou, Yinbing Bian. Comparative secretomic analysis of lignocellulose degradation by lentinula edodes grown on microcrystalline cellulose, lignosulfonate and glucose. Journal of Proteomics, 2017, 163, 92-101.

(7) Gangzheng Wang(#)YuhuaGong(#)Ziyan Huang, Yinbing Bian(*). Identification of and antimicrobial activity of plant extracts against Pseudomonas putida from rot fruiting bodies of Pleurotus eryngii, Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 212: 235-239

(8) Lianfu Chen, Yuhua Gong, Yingli Cai, Liu, WeiZhou, YanXiao, YangXu, ZhangyiLiu, YinLei, XiaoyuWang, GangzhengGuo, MengpeiMa, XiaolongBian, Yinbing(*)Genome Sequence of the Edible Cultivated Mushroom Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Reveals Insights into Lignocellulose DegradationPLos One, 2016.8.8, 11(8): e0160336

(9) Yuhua Gong (#), Mingshun Li, Dong Xu, Hui Wang, Jin He, Dandan Wu, Deju Chen, Ning Qiu, Qiyu Bao, Ming Sun, Ziniu Yu(*). Comparative proteomic analysis revealed metabolic changes and the translational regulation of Cry protein synthesis in Bacillus thuringiensis. Journal of Proteomics, 2012.2.2, 75

(10) Chen, DejuXu, DongLi, MingshunHe, JinGong, YuhuaWu, DandanSun, MingYu, Ziniu(*)Proteomic analysis of Bacillus thuringiensis Delta phaC mutant BMB171/PHB-1 reveals that the PHB synthetic pathway warrants normal carbon metabolismJournal of Proteomics2012.9.187517):5176~5188

(11) Wu, DandanHe, JinGong, YuhuaChen, DejuZhu, XiaoliQiu, NingSun, MingLi, Mingshun(*)Yu, ZiniuProteomic analysis reveals the strategies of Bacillus thuringiensis YBT-1520 for survival under long-term heat stressProteomics2011.7.011113):2580~25914):1235~1246

# First author

* Corresponding author


l 2012-2014 Discovery of functional proteins related to umbrella opening characters of fruiting body in Lentinus edodes , Science and technology program of Hubei Province, Chief investigator

l 2019-2020 Planting experiment and demonstration project of rare edible fungi in winter fallow field in Qinba Mountain Area, Hubei Province Science and technology targeted poverty alleviation project, Chief investigator

l 2021-2024 Research on impact mechanism of mycelium thermotolerance affected by the synthesis of auxin IAA which is regulated by DnaJ in lentinula edodes, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 32072641, Chief investigator

Additional Information


l “The Fourteenth Young Teachers' Lecture Competition”, Huazhong Agricultural University, First Class Reward, 2019.

l “The Twelfth Young Teachers' Lecture Competition”, Huazhong Agricultural University, Third Class Reward, 2015.


l Annual meeting of Mycological Society of China, oral presentation, 2019, Xian, Shanxi, China.

l The 9th International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products (9th ICMBMP), oral presentation, 2018, Shang Hai, China.

l Annual meeting of Mycological Society of China, oral presentation, 2017, Yi Chang, Hubei, China.

l Annual meeting of Mycological Society of China, poster, 2016, Fu Zhou, Fujian, China.

l The 10th National Symposium on edible fungi, Bei Jing, oral presentation, 2015, China.

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