
Department of Applied Biology

LI Xiaohua



Personal Information



Li Xiaohua



Position Title

Research Associate

Working Department

Medicinal Plant


[email protected]u.cn



College of Plant Science and Technology

Huazhong Agricultural University

Wuhan, Hubei 430070, P.R. China





Research Interest

Ø Metabolic engineering for the improvement of flavonoid production

Ø Extraction and Analysis of secondary metabolites

Ø Tissue Culture

Professional Memberships




Other Roles



Education & Working Experience

May. 2015 – now: Research associate, College of Plant Science and Technology, Hua Zhong Agricultural University. China

Oct. 2013 - Feb. 2015: Research Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Chungnam National University, Korea.

Oct. 2012- Sep. 2013: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Agriculture, Chungnam

National University, Korea.

Sep. 2011 - Sep. 2012: Visiting researcher, Institute of Agriculture, Chungnam

National University, Korea.

Sep. 2008 - Aug. 2011: Doctor of Philosophy, Crop Science, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Chungnam National University, Korea.

Sep. 2005 - June. 2008: M.Sc., College of Chinese Medicinal Material, Jilin Agricultural University, China.

Sep. 2001 - July. 2005: B.Sc., College of Chinese Medicinal Material, Jilin Agricultural University, China.



(1) Xiaohua Li, Md Romij Uddin, Woo Tae Park, Yeon Bok Kim, Jeong Min Seo, Sun-Ju Kim, Ill-Sup Nou, Jeongyeo Lee, HyeRan Kim, and Sang Un Park*. Accumulation of anthocyanin and related gene expression during the development of cabbage seedlings. Process Biochemistry. 2014, 49(7), 1084-1091.

(2) Xiaohua Li, Jae Kwang Kim (co-first), Soo-Yun Park, Shicheng Zhao, Yeon Bok Kim, Sanghyun Lee, Sang Un Park*. Comparative analysis of flavonoids and polar metabolite profiling of Tanno-original and Tanno-high rutin buckwheat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2014.62(12), 2701-2708. Published: MAR 26 2014. 

(3) Xiaohua Li, Yeon Bok Kim, Yeji Kim, Shicheng Zhao, Haeng Hoon Kim, Eunsook Chung, Jai-Heon Lee, Sang Un Park*. Differential stress-response expression of two flavonol synthase genes and accumulation of flavonols in tartary buckwheat. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2013, 170(18), 1630-1636. Published: DEC 15 2013. Li X, Kim YB, Uddin MR, Lee S, Kim SJ, Park SU*. Influence of Light on the Free Amino Acid Content and γ-Aminobutyric Acid Synthesis in Brassica juncea Seedlings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2013, 61(36), 8624-8631. Published: SEP 11 2013. 

(4) Xiaohua Li, Aye Aye Thwe, Nam Il Park, Tatsuro Suzuki, Sun Ju Kim and Sang Un Park*. Accumulation of phenylpropanoids and correlated gene expression during the development of tartary buckwheat sprouts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60(22), 5629-5635. Published: JUN 6 2012. 

(5) Xiaohua Li, Nam Il Park, Yeon Bok Kim, Haeng Hoon Kim, Cheol Ho Park, Qi Wu, Sang Un Park*. Accumulation of flavonoids and expression of flavonoid biosynthetic genes in tartary and rice-tartary buckwheat. Process Biochemistry. 2012. 47, 2306-2310. 2012.9.16. Published: DEC 2012. 

(6) Xiaohua Li, Nam Il Park, Chul Ho Park, Sun Gwan Kim, Sook Young Lee and Sang Un Park*. Influence of sucrose on rutin content and flavonoid biosynthetic gene expression in seedlings of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). Plant Omics. 2011, 4, 215-219. Published: Published: JUL 2011.

(7) Xiaohua Li, Nam Il Park (co-first), Hui Xu, Sun-Hee Woo, Cheol Ho Park, and Sang Un Park*. Differential expression of flavonoid biosynthesis genes and accumulation of phenolic compounds in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010, 58(23), 12176-12181.

(8) Nam Il Park, Xiaohua Li (co-first), Tatsuro Suzuki, Sun-Ju Kim, and Sang Un Park*. Differential expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes and anthocyanin accumulation in tartary buckwheat cultivars ‘Hokkai T8’ and ‘Hokkai T10’. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011, 59(6), 2356-2361. Published: MAR 23 2011.

(9) Shicheng Zhao, Xiaohua Li, Dong Ha Cho, Mariadhas Valan Arasu, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi, Sang Un Park*. Accumulation of kaempferitrin and expression of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic genes in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus). Molecules. 16987-16997. 

(10) Yeon Bok Kim, Xiaohua Li, Sun-Ju Kim, Haeng Hoon Kim, Jeongyeo Lee, Hye Ran Kim, Sang Un Park*. MYB transcription factors regulate glucosinolate biosynthesis in different organs of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis). Molecules. 2013, 18, 8682-8695. Published: JUL 2013.

(11) Uddin MR, Xiaohua Li, Woo Tae Park, Yeon Bok Kim, Sun Ju Kim, Young Seon Kim, Mi Young Lee, Cheol Ho Park and Sang Un Park*. Phenolic Compound Content in Different Organs of Korean Common Buckwheat Cultivars. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2013, 25, 424-426. Published: JAN 31 2013.

(12)  Nam Il Park, Xiaohua Li, Aye Aye Thwe, Sook Young Lee and Su Gwan Kim, Qi Wu and Sang Un Park*. Enhancement of rutin in Fagopyrum esculentum hairy root cultures by the Arabidopsis transcription factor AtMYB12. Biotechnology Letters. 2012, 34(3), 577-583. Published: MAR 2012. 

(13) Young Seon Kim, Xiaohua Li, Woo Tae Park, Md Romij Uddin, Nam Il Park, Yeon Bok Kim, Mi Young Lee, Sang Un Park*. Influence of media and auxins on growth and falvone production in hairy root cultures of baikal skullcap, Scutellaria baicalensis. Plant Omics. 2012, 5(1), 24-27. Published: JAN 2012. 

(14) Uddin MR, Li X, Won OJ, Park SU & Pyon JY* (2011). Herbicidal activity of phenolic compounds from hairy root cultures of Fagopyrum tataricum. Weed Research. 2012, 52, 25-33.


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