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Famer Dairy: The cotton research group of HZAU published their results on the worldwide famous academic journal


     Abstract:It is learned that the cotton research group of HZAU held the belief that “write papers on the earth” over the past two decades. They developed themselves to help famer to solve the problems during the process of production and regarded it as their direction. During these years they bred “Huazamian H318” and many kinds of cotton that with good traits and they had put them into production as well as won 17 authorized invention patents.

     Nowadays, the worldwide academic journal “Nature Genetics”(IF=31.616) published the latest results of the research online which covered by the cotton research group of HZAU leaded by Pro. Zhang Xianlong. These results are about the selection of asymmetric sub-genome and the diversity of cis-regulatory during the process of cotton’s domestication. Not only this research proposed the genetic foundation for the domestication of cotton’s fiber for the first time, but also described the effect on the transcriptional regulation of gene by domestication, This research is a great progress in the area of the cotton’s genome research and it can guide the development of cotton’s functional genome research and genetic improvement importantly.

     It is learned that the cotton research group of HZAU insisted to “write paper on the earth” over the past two decades. They regard the belief they hold which is to help famer to solve the problems during the process of production as their direction. During these years they carried out pest, disease and drought resistance researches, bred “Huazamian H318” and many kinds of cotton that with traits of high quality, high yield, multiple resistance and they as well as had put them into production and won 17 authorized invention patents.

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