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Our College Promotes the Construction of Academic Integrity

South Lake Network News (reporter: Lv Ruikai) Recently, the office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the office of the State Council issued A Number of Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Scientific Research Integrity, and made a plan on promoting the construction of academic integrity. How to form a system of building up academic ethics and academic norms? I interviewed the responsible person of Plant Science and Technology College, and talked about some attempts the college tried in the past two years.

First, if students cheat in exams, the degree assessment committee of our college will recommend the degree committee cancel the students' degree. Second, the college invites outstanding talents to make academic reports. The times of students attending academic reports are linked to the qualifications of scholarships. Third, the college requires that unified printed record books must be used in the experiment recording. Tutors are required to make regular checks on the record books of students. Fourth, the college carries out blind assessments of all graduation theses. If students fail the first blind assessment, they should go on with the experiment, and reapply again after half a year. If students fail it again, their qualifications of applying will be canceled. And their tutors are not able to enroll postgraduates next year. Fifth, academic postgraduates must have scientific researches output to apply for dissertation defenses. At the same time, taking into account the continuity of scientific researches, if the paper can not published before the defense, the teacher will be required to make a written commitment that the student could have output within two years after graduation.

The responsible person said that the implementation of a series of measures had made a positive impact on teachers of Plant Science and Technology College.

Reviewer: Yan Jianbing

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