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Expert Report on the Agriculture, Rural areas and Peasantry Forum

Report One: Plant Biotechnology for cost effective production of human and fish vaccine antigens

Report Two: A female plant biotechnologist’s journey: never stop dreaming

Reporter: Dr. Jihong Liu Clarke (A researcher of Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research)

Time: From 2:30 to 5:30 on Nov. 4th, 2020 (Wednesday)

ZOOM number: 848 0830 6700

Password: 650825

Host: Dr. Liangcai Peng


Introduction of the reporter

Dr. Jihong Liu Clarke is a researcher of Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, a professor of scientific research, a doctoral supervisor, and the head of Chinese projects at the same time. Her  research focuses on the innovation of plant biotechnology, such as producting low-cost vaccine for human and animal’s viral diseases by plant factories and industrial enzymes. Till now, over 160 papers have been published. The second Prize of Scientific and Technological Innovation was achieved in 2006, and two patents were also gained. Dr. Jihong Liu Clarke has been responsible for working with China since she was in Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy ResearchBioforskfrom 2006 to 2015 and in Norwegian Institute of Agriculture and Environment (Nibio) from 2015 till now. And she has become the member of BIOWATER, CoE of Nibio since 2017. Furthermore, she was appointed as a member in Bioeconomy in the North Initiative. She presided over Norwegian National Science Council, EAA Norway- Romania, and the EU-China Horizon 2020 Flagship Project successively, whose project funds added up to more than 50 million krone.




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