学术论文 1. Ali M. E., Maria B, Ibrahim A. A., Wang Z. Z., Ahmed K., Ahmed S., Hasan A., Mohammad N.K., Hamada M.H, Ibrahim M., Kuai J., Zhou G.S., Wang B.*. Antioxidative and Metabolic Contribution to Salinity Stress Responses in Two Rapeseed Cultivars during the Early Seedling Stage. Antioxidants. 2021, 10, 1227. // doi.org/10.3390/antiox10081227(5年IF=6.6,通讯作者) 2. Ali M, Maria B., Wang C.Y., Ahmed M. H., Karim M.T., Elsayed N., Kuai J., Zhou G.S., Bo Wang B.*. Selenium and zinc oxide nanoparticles modulate the molecular and morpho-physiological processes during seed germination of Brassica napus under salt stress. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. 2021, 225: pp.112695(环境科学top期刊,IF=6.29,通讯作者) 3. Ali M.E. Maria B., Ibrahim A.A., Ahmed K., Ahmed S., Wang Z.K., Akram S., Elsayed N., Mohammed A., Kuai J., Wang B.*, Zhou G.S.*, Modulation of salinity impact on early seedling stage via nano-priming application of zinc oxide on rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2021, 166:376-392(共同通讯作者) 4. Ibrahim A. AbdElMola, Nesma Shalby, et al., Stomatal and Photosynthetic Traits Are Associated with Investigating Sodium Chloride Tolerance of Brassica napus L. Cultivars, Plants (Basel). 2020, 9(1): 62. (通讯作者) 5. Mohamed IAA, Shalby NMA, El-Badri A, et al., Stomata and Xylem Vessels Traits Improved by Melatonin Application Contribute to Enhancing Salt Tolerance and Fatty Acid Composition of Brassica napus L. Plants. Agronomy. 2020, 10: 1186. (共同通讯作者) 6. Xu SY, Wang JM, Tian H, Wang B*. Automatic measuring approach and device for mature rapeseed’s plant type parameters, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 2019, //doi.org/10.1155/2019/6834290 (EI,通讯作者) 7. Ma Y.X., Wang Q.H.*, Wang B.*, Kuai J., Zhou G.S. and Fu T.D. Effect of Fresh Forage Canola on Production Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens, Intl J Agric Biol. 2021, 25: 995‒1001(共同通讯作者) 8. 张建,谢田晋,尉晓楠,周广生,汪波*. 无人机多角度成像方式的饲料油菜生物量估算研究. 作物学报,2021, 47(9): 1816-1823(通讯作者) 9. 宋丽君,聂晓玉,何磊磊,蒯婕,杨华,郭安国,黄俊生,傅廷栋,汪波*,周广生.饲用大豆品种耐荫性鉴定指标筛选及综合评价,作物学报,2021(通讯作者) 10. 郭清云,汪波*,蒯婕,张椿雨,李根泽,康惠仙,傅廷栋,周广生. 油菜感抗品种混播对根肿病防控效果的影响, 作物学报, 2020, 46(5): 725-733(通讯作者) 11. 徐胜勇,卢昆,潘礼礼,刘泰格,周雨欣,汪波*. 基于RGB-D相机的油菜分枝三维重构与角果识别定位[J].农业机械学报,2019,50(02): 21-27. (EI) (通讯作者) 12. 王旺年,王宗铠,汪波*,郭安国,杨华,刘芳,蒯婕,傅廷栋,周广生,饲料油菜与牧草混合冬播效应研究,中国油料作物学报,2019,41(3): 317-323(通讯作者) 13. 汪波,宋丽君,王宗铠,王积军,熊明清,甘丽,刘芳,张哲,蒯婕,傅廷栋,周广生*,我国饲料油菜种植及应用技术研究进展,中国油料作物学报,2018,40(5): 695-701. 13. Pingan Guo, Bo Wang*, Yancheng Zheng, Jie Chen, Wenlue Li, Lijun Liu and Dingxiang Peng. Transcriptome analyses provide insights into the effect of temperature change on fiber quality of ramie. Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 152: 112544.(一区期刊,通讯作者) 14. Wang Y., Bao Y., Zheng, Y., Guo, A., Peng, D., & Wang, B*. (2020). Promoter PPSP1-5-BnPSP-1 from Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud.) Can Drive Phloem-Specific GUS Expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Genetics, 11, 1637. (通讯作者) 15. Guo P, Zheng Y, Peng D, Liu L, Dai L, Chen C and Wang B*. Identification and expression characterization of the Phloem Protein 2 (PP2) genes in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich). Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1):10734. (通讯) 16. Guo P, Zheng Y, He Y, Liu L, Wang B*, Peng D*. Isolation and functional characterizati-on of SUCROSE SYNTHASE 1 and SUCROSE TRANSPORTER 2 promoters from ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaudich). Gene, 2019, 685:114-124. (共同通讯) 17. An X, Chen J, Zhang JY, Liao YW, Dai LJ, Wang, B*, Liu LJ, Peng DX*. Transcriptome profiling and identification of transcription factors in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) in response to PEG treatment, using Illumina paired-end sequencing technology. International Journal of Molecular Science. 2015, 16(2): 3493-3511 DOI: 10.3390/ijms16023493(共同通讯作者) 18. An X, Wang B*, Liu LJ, Jiang H, Chen J, Ye ST, Chen LY, Guo PA, Huang X, Peng DX. Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation and regeneration of transgenic plants using leaf midribs as explants in ramie [Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud]. Molecular Biology Reports, 2014, 41(5): 3257-3269(通讯作者) 19. Chen J, Pei Z, Dai L, Wang B*, Liu L, Peng DX*. Transcriptome profiling using pyrosequencing shows genes associated with bast fiber development in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.). BMC Genomics, (2014) 15: 919.(共同通讯作者) 20. An X, Liao YW, Zhang JY, Dai LJ, Zhang N, Wang B*, Liu LJ, Peng DX*. Overexpression of rice NAC gene SNAC1 in ramie improves drought and salt tolerance, Plant Growth Regulation, 2014, (10): 211-223(共同通讯作者) 21. Huang X, Chen J, Bao Y, Liu L, Jiang H, An X, Dai LJ, Wang B* and Peng DX*. Transcript profiling reveals auxin and cytokinin signaling pathways and transcription regulation during in vitro organogenesis of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud). PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(11):(共同通讯作者) 22. Wang XX, Chen J, Wang B*, Liu LJ, Jiang H, Tang DL, Peng DX. Characterization by suppression subtractive hybridization of transcripts that are differentially expressed in leaves of anthracnose-resistant ramie cultivar. Plant Mol Biol Rep. 2012, 30:547–555(通讯作者) 23. Wang B, Peng DX, Sun ZX, Zhang N, Gao SM. In vitro plant regeneration from seedling-derived explants of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. (Gaud)). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-PLANT, 2008, 47:105-111 (第一作者) 24. Wang B, Peng DX, Liu LJ, Sun ZX, Zhang N, Gao SM. An efficient adventitious shoot regeneration system for ramie (Boehmeria nivea Gaud) using thidiazuron. Botanical Studies, 2007, 48: 173-180(第一作者)) 25. 汪波,彭定祥(通讯作者),孙珍夏,张娜,邢秀龙.根癌农杆菌介导苎麻转绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因植株再生.作物学报,2007,33(10):1606-1610 教材与著作 1. 《作物栽培学》参编,2019,高等教育出版社 2. 《杂交油菜的遗传与育种》,参编,2019,湖北科学技术出版社 3. 《身边的农作物》(科普读物),独撰,2019,武汉出版社 |